By pittman137 - 30/07/2013 16:29 - United States - Nampa

Today, I called to confirm the appointment that I made over six months ago at the tattoo studio. Turns out my particular artist "doesn't work Tuesdays" and that they also miraculously have no record of my appointment, nor the cash deposit I had to put down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 772
You deserved it 7 965

pittman137 tells us more.

pittman137 5

OP here. Different username since I didn't have an account when I wrote this. Just thought I'd do a little follow up. As far as the no receipt thing, yea, I know, shame on me. I'm getting more work done on an existing tattoo and this is the place where I had started at, so I didn't think much of it. This particular shop is known for how great the artists there are, so it is worth the six month wait (to me at least). It ends up the guy I had made the appointment with had quit the shop and taken his appointment book with him, so they had to way to contact me about it and apparently he isn't as professional as I thought since he didn't contact me either to let me know he moved shops. The shop itself was able to move some things around and I'm still able to get my work done at my time, just with a new artist so everything has worked out. Thanks for all the comments!

Top comments

afallingstar 22

Wow. Put a cash deposit down and don't request a receipt? Kinda dumb OP and most legitimate places would offer one...

I know a lot of people who would. Tattoos can be extremely risky and expensive. I would wait 6 months for a reputable, safe artist than to get an immediate appointment with an unsafe artist with a bad reputation. The only mistake on ops part would be not keeping the deposit receipt.


Did you get a receipt? Always get a receipt.

fooltemptress 36

Whenever you put cash down on anything, you always need to get a receipt and then promptly take a clear pic of the receipt or scan it into your computer so you have that as a back up in case the original gets lost.

sucks for im sorry next time go down there did you it over the phone

Everyone here is being incredibly judgemental. If OP wants to get inked, she's entitled to do so, particularly if it makes her happy. While OP is doing something to further her own happiness, you're just being entitled know it all ***** who think they know better than everyone else and that everyone else's life choices are invalid unless you agree with them. I'm very sorry this happened to you; it sounds like you got scammed, possibly by someone who doesn't actually work there and therefore didn't give you accurate info.

The majority of people commenting haven't said anything against OP getting a tattoo. So saying "Everyone" is kind of inaccurate.

Maybe not "everyone" has been judgmental, but there have been enough comments of that nature to warrant someone putting these people in their place. Also, have you ever heard of a hyperbole?

While everyone is a bit of an exaggeration there have been quite a few comments being a bit more on the negative judgmental side. That's to be expected on an FML about tattoos though to be honest, people like to share their better than you attitude on FML's such as this. I'd say take out with a grain of salt, it's not like their opinions ate really changing anyone's mind.

Woah, what's with all the thumbs down? I was just pointing something out. And yes, I do know what a hyperbole is. But from the context, it didn't seem like that was what #41 was doing.

sunflowerchild 10

That's why alleys and vans are illegitimate tattoo studios. I hope you learned your lesson OP. haha

sematariux 7

Did you get and save a receipt OP?? If not you really are at fault, although it does sound like shady business.

And this is why my mom always asks for receipts and keeps them! So crap like this won't happen.

Make them find it. And get your receipt.

Malicteal 21

That is why the Sales Receipt was invented.