By Anna - 02/07/2009 13:31 - United States

Today, I called back a number I recently missed a call from. To my surprise, it was the number of my boyfriend's fiancé. I've been with him 4 years, he's been with her for 6. Turns out, not only is he a cheating jerk, but technically I'M the other woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 108
You deserved it 4 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're pretty close though. Your boyfriend is really good at cheating. I'd review all past board game results.


Leave him. She should leave him too. Maybe you two could become best friends or something.

Haha that actually would make a pretty good friendship.

caticaticati 3

Ahaha that happened to me. I'm really good friends with the girl who has my ex-boyfriend's baby - the baby that was conceived while me and the guy were dating.

Ha, it happened to me! The guy is looooong gone, but the girl and I still talk, and we found out about each other almost 5 years ago!

I find it strange that the fiance didn't suspect anything, depends on how often he was with you and how often he was with her I guess...

Well u r the "other" girl if he's been with her longer

Duh.... I think she knows that. Thats not what she was questioning.... What the OP was so suprised about and found to be the real FML of the situation is that *she* was the other girl when she had been with her boyfriend for 4 years....

Dannyhxc 0

Anyone else think this sounds like "Tool Academy"?

kscott88 0

Yeah, I was totally thinking that same thing. God, I hated him. Loud Mouth Tool, indeed.

How could you not suspect anything after four years?! Surely there must've been times when things haven't added up. Either you're really gullible and believe anything he tells you, or he's an incredibly good liar. Oh wait... maybe both.

AntiChrist7 0

YDI for having a cheating ass as boyfriend. Choose someone sensible next time, cause not all boys are like that

peanut_gallery 2

She deserves it for not being psychic and realizing the guy she decided to date was a cheater? Really??

Surely he lived with the other woman? Or at least had traces of her/ you in his house.

ergo_fml 13

How does he keep that up for four years?

thedrumsthedrums 0

he's an ass. Hope he gets what's coming to him.