By niki - 10/01/2013 02:37 - United States - Long Beach

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend. After he left my place, I realized he took my Sonicare toothbrush because he knew that I would be more upset about missing that than our relationship. He was right. I am really upset about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 290
You deserved it 34 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mpj13 8

It's no ordinary toothbrush. But still it's a toothbrush so get over it

more concerned about your toothbrush then ending a relationship... Wow your relationship must have been... Somethin else. That or you really love your toothbrush.


I'm confused to as why a toothbrush is more important than a relationship.

Well, they broke up for a reason. That reason also probably has something to do with it.

Good point. I wouldn't want a relationship where the person I was with loved a toothbrush more than me. It must've been a love triangle..except the toothbrush didn't really love anyone.

well i mean think about it. the toothbrush is dick shaped and vibrates.

bmgt 4

Win him back for long enough to get your sonicare back. And make sure to stir the toilet water with HIS toothbrush.

ViviMage 38

Can't he take a spinbrush pro?? The nerve!

Hey those things are expensive. I can understand her being upset.......

Go buy another toothbrush you moron. I wish I could vote for "you're a Whiney piece of shit" instead of YDI or your life sucks

Wow. Just... Wow. You value a toothbrush over your relationship. Might as well get a few cats while you're out shopping for toothbrushes.

Something tells me you were the reason you both broke up.

Although I doubt you deserve it, Kudos to him for hitting you where it hurts.

Is that the 200$ mode? because thats high enough to be worth pressing charges over