By lonelygirl - 17/08/2012 23:33 - United States - Circleville

Today, I bought the only cat on Earth that doesn't like chasing after a laser dot. Goodbye, hours of sick, sick entertainment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 068
You deserved it 27 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should give it catnip first, then try the laser pointer...


Get a Star Wars laser. That'll get its attention.

Better than having a cat that doesn't like catnip )':

My cat is the same way; I feel your pain

kitten1323 19

i hope you didn't just get the cat for your entertainment

Not the only cat. My parents' cat will dive after the dot once, sometimes twice, but will then just lay down. She's too lazy to chase it, so that meant my mom stole and misplaced my recently acquired laser pointer for nothing.

My mums toy dog is whacko because of those laser dot things. Every time we open the draw which has other things in it too, no matter where that dog is, it runs in to the room and goes ballistic.

DinoDropns 1

Just throw out the cat and get another one that does like it..

Animals are not things to throw away. They are a responsibility.

I wonder what acidkitten thinks about this? I bet he loves the laser dot.