By endure_survive - 15/12/2014 03:17 - New Zealand - Hamilton

Today, I ate at Subway during my lunch hour. A group of teenage girls sat down at the table next to mine. They all shared good laugh about the "friendless, chubby chick" sitting near them, while attempting to discreetly point at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 539
You deserved it 3 079

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Sweet onion chicken teriyaki And also, thanks everyone for the nice comments

Top comments

DrMario_ 16

Ignore them, OP. Haters gonna hate! Chin up :-)

Should've thrown your Subway at them, but then that would be a waste of Subway.


ive "known" girls that would do shit like that who fall all over me and trust me they're very boring and i cannot talk to them for anytime at all. i mean think about why would someone talk bad about someone whose just eating a sandwhich lol they have nothing meaningful to say. they're bland lol. its sad really.

Don't let them get to you...some people are just rude like that.

try going up to them and say (politely), 'i'm sorry if i'm interrupting your meal, but it really isn't hurting anyone if someone is 'chubby' or 'fat' and i really do feel that maybe instead of saying things like that you could instead encourage this person to adopt a healthier lifestyle.'

don't feel bad♥ all those girls mocking you will either get pregnant or infected with a violent case of herpes

Sticks and stones, OP. It's okay. They're just projecting their insecurities on you. I'm sure you rock :)

its pretty sad when making fun of someone makes a person feel better. you are beautiful. they are ugly....inside. and have real serious issues. they dont pay your bills or wipe your ass. forget those trolls....

That actually makes me sick to my stomach. Who goes to subway these days? Sorry, sorry. But seriously, I would have pretended that I saw a cockroach under their table and laughed as they flipped out.

I believe the proper thing to say is "Job bitches. Have you heard of or gotten one yet?"