By Huedadaa - 19/10/2013 00:05 - France - Cauffry

Today, I asked my students to buy a copy of Anne Frank's diary for an assignment. One of them asked me in all seriousness who wrote it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 200
You deserved it 5 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And they say there's no such thing as a stupid question.


Uri69 10

That for sure will be one thing that will be held over him for awhile...

When we were learning about Anne Frank in the 8th grade kids were asking the same things like "oh who's it by" "what's the holocaust" "is this a true story". Meanwhile I'm sitting there looking like the surprised Patrick from my profile picture, because I read the Anne Frank diary in like the third grade. I just assumed everyone knew her and her story but I guess not.

LilFlutter 10

When that whole Justin Bieber visiting Anne Frank's House thing happened, I read about Bieber fans who thought dumb things like she was some girl he dated and stuff. So very sad! (No, I am definitely not a Bieber fan; I saw the story about him going there and the comment he made on the news!)

MiissAshleyy 19

I'm sure I could think of ANN answer. FRANKly, I can't remember right now. I just need more CONCENTRATION.

Wow, i'm dutch ( so was anne frank) and i'm really ashamed to read some of your comments. You should be ashamed of yourselfs. This isn't a topic to make jokes about.

monnanon 13

no one is joking we are commenting on the fact that a kid asked such a question. just being Dutch doesnt give you the right to gwt butthurt about this FML for no reason so untangle your ******* and calm down

Your fault for not being a better teacher.

You speak the truth yet people thumb you down. Pathetic. If he was a good teacher he Would not have talked behind his students backs. He would have actually taught them something.

wolfman2123 13

And that's when you know your failing as a teacher

xStaciexLynnx 15

Trying to see it from a student's point of view who doesn't know anything about it yet- Maybe they thought it was a biography written by someone else or if they haven't learned about Anne Frank they may not have known it was literally her diary. I've read books about Anne Frank that weren't written by Anne Frank and a lot of them referenced Anne Frank's Diary in the title and then added a word or two to it.