By Huedadaa - 19/10/2013 00:05 - France - Cauffry

Today, I asked my students to buy a copy of Anne Frank's diary for an assignment. One of them asked me in all seriousness who wrote it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 200
You deserved it 5 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And they say there's no such thing as a stupid question.


monnanon 13

there are plenty fictional diaries. i suppose you think all first person books are autobiographical too.

And I suppose "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" was written by Wimpy Kid. Why is it so bad a child has never heard of something from many decades ago?

Nikkitaria 9

That student is in school for a reason. It's because people judge so much that many are afraid to ask questions and seek out answers. Ignorance and stupidity are two different things. Asking a question is the first step out of ignorance.

monnanon 13

i assume op is so pissed off because this questions came at the end of a long lesson about Anne Frank.

bunny409 14

our next generation is screwed

to be honest I don't believe he was actually serious. trolled

GoArmy6624 7

Button down the hatches there, teach. It's only a matter of time before kids start asking who Hitler was.

Oh and don't forget the buttons for your hatches. I keep telling people to use wood or metal to batten their hatches, it's much more durable. But nooooooo, buttons are all the rage with this generation of kids, and they just don't know anyyyything. I'd better buckle up with this turkey, it's gonna be a bumpy flight.

If a girl asked - say E.L James or S.Meyer. A boy - the men behind the GTA manuscript! That will make em read it.