By hc11bmd - 19/06/2012 17:20 - United States - Bethel

Today, I asked a coworker what she'd bought her dad for father's day. She said that she got him some flowers, and I laughed because I thought it was a rather feminine gift for a man. I later found out that the flowers were for his grave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 473
You deserved it 55 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GuyWithThePants 7

Maybe that'll teach you to be so judgmental

B3Y0ND 3

You couldn't have possibly known about her dead father, but you still should have been more sensitive about her gift choice. No need to be rude about it.


TahoeFMler 22

Without reading all the comments, jus want to say "yes, FYL." That is a bummer of a situation. Please learn from it and become much more polite in your dealings with people that aren't immediate friends. Let this be "the thing" that changes your behavior.

perdix 29

Flowers are a crappy gift for a guy even in death. When I die, I'm going to request my survivors leave me lots of fattening foods I had to moderate in life. It not like it's going to kill me;)

marisadc79 0

That's what I got to do as well this is why we think before we act

You're a judgemental douche for laughing at a present that you find feminine. Nothing wrong with giving your dad flowers. If he appreciates it, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

Everybody saying you're judgemental is being awfully judgemental themselves. This sounds just like the sort of social blunder I would pull. I wouldn't have automatically assumed that your co-worker's father was dead (especially if said co-worker is quite young), and you didn't say that you laughed in a malicious manner. I would've laughed too, but not in an offensive way that suggested I disapproved of the co-worker's choice of gift. It would've been more of a "hehe, that's an unusual choice, I guess your dad's a botanical enthusiast or thinks flowers rock?" Ehh. Point is to have an open mind, and sometimes we all forget to do that. I'd say this is a FYI simply because you didn't know the father was dead.

Vkins 9

Flowers are effin' manly. You better recognize. No, really. On fathers day I also bought some flowers to put them on my dads grave. I'm sure he would have been happy if he was able to see that. :)

Why does a present have to be manly? And what constitutes a manly present? The amount of men insecure about their masculinity (or lack of same) is truly tragicomical.

lilysmiles143 0
TheHolyLama 0

flowers can express many things, like love and appreciation. i've witnessed many occasions where males were handed flowers. not all men have to be into football and the such. learn to expand your views hun.