By Shenza - 17/06/2012 12:34 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I am exhausted and can barely move after being up all night taking care of my drunk and vomiting husband. He, on the other hand, feels much better and is bounding with energy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 837
You deserved it 3 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kevsnev 7

Well he better appreciate your help because you sound like a wonderful woman!

HairyPunisher 27

Just because he's her husband doesn't mean they have children.


baseballgirl25 6

Time for you to have a girls night out, go ahead and get a little crazy.

I'm pretty sure if they both start drinking it would not solve any problems

Atleast next time you can go out and get wasted and he can pick up the pieces :)

You're a ******* gem darling keep it up I'm sure he'll repay you first chance he gets :-D

grnfairy 5

Sweetie that's what u signed up for when u married that person. Deal with it and quit ur bitching. I'm sure he done the same for you on more then one occasion

Mademoiselle_fml 34

I'm sure he appreciates you. Hopefully he does the same for you when you need help ;3

jaredofmo 22

Now it's his turn to take care of you!

penguindude82 2

Go puke on him. It will make you feel better.