By Anonymous - 07/01/2012 14:07 - Canada

Today, I am 8 weeks pregnant. I have debilitating 'morning sickness' all day. And now I get to add peeing my pants every time I throw up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 671
You deserved it 4 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1, If your mother had that logic, you wouldn't be here right now.


I had vomitting and the Hershey squirts for the full first trimester of my second pregnancy. Spent most of it in hospy on a drip. A little tinkle? It could be worse.

wendy22804 0

At least u can get pregnant. Suck it up and enjoy the end results. A beautiful baby. I'd take morning sickness for that any day...

24, Okay to these "high horse" comments... You can't say OP deserves it because you DON'T know her situation. I am currently 8 months pregnant and I conceived while using Birth control and yes I had perfect use because I didn't want to get pregnant! You can't say she deserves it either because she didn't get an abortion! If you have never been pregnant and/or seen that heart beat inside you... You have NO right to make a justified opinion on anything abortion related. YES some girls are stupid but a lot aren't, so Miss Abstinence, you do need to get off your high horse. The teenage pregnancy epidemic is because of abstinence education in the first place and it is completely naive. Also most clinics, BC is usually around $15 a pack and 3/4 of the time you have the overly religious pro-lifers out front shunning you. What person, especially someone young, would be able to feel welcome going into such a clinic with that going on? Stop preaching like you're a saint (or Sarah Palin) and start being realistic.

It may suck but what you get as a result is unexplainable. It won't last hopefully it ends after your first trimester.

I feel for ya, same thing happened to me when I was pregnant. Best advice I can give is try to find something called Emetrol, it helps a little with the nausea so you don't throw up as often. Also, keeping some Saltines and water next to your bed is a good idea, eat some first thing in the morning so that when you do throw up it's not just that painful dry-heaving. Oh, and one other thing, I recommend getting some Vaseline with cocoa butter in it and slather that stuff on at least once a day from about your neck down to your knees. I got rather large in my last trimester, baby was 9lbs, and I only got one tiny stretch mark. The morning sickness should go away after your first trimester. Hang in there!

Guys don't h8 she chose to get pregnant how did she deserve it you don't have to be jerk just because you having a shit day so why all the "you deserved it's" ?????!

That's what happens when you get pregnant. Should have thought about that before you had sex.

I dont trust something that bleeds for 3 days and still lives.

tykiej 0

Dont worry, after you have your baby, you get the pleasure of pissing yourself every time you cough, sneeze, and laugh. And you might as well sit on the toilet and puke into a trash can. That saves you from smelling like piss all day.

sit on the toilet and put a bucket or garbage can on your lap. thats what i did and do.