By lame - 20/10/2009 14:04 - United States

Today, for our 2-year anniversary, I bought my girlfriend a beautiful $400 necklace. She bought me a pink $5 shirt of Elton John riding a piano through space. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 293
You deserved it 7 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's the thought that counts right? And besides.. that shirt sounds EPIC.


It's the thought that counts. Why do gifts have to always be expensive?

That shirt sounds awesome! Way better than the jewlery. Now I want to know where I can get one.

Dude, the shirt sounds awesome. What's the problem?

Okay, so you presumably aren't married yet (since you called her your gf), you decided to buy her this really expensive necklace without dropping a single hint, and you expected something equally impressive in return without indicating that you thought it was time for high-end gifts. Good work, dude. She probably felt awful and now feels even worse. Well, at least you got her expensive jewelry...

JessiBoBessie 0

It's the thought that counts loser. Maybe she couldn't afford to get you something worth $400. What an asshole. You're lucky you can even find someone with an attitude like that. Think of the current economic climate! Be greatful you got anything you greedy jerk.

I'd rather have the shirt than the necklace, but maybe that's just me.

I want that shirt! Where can I find it? Please message me if you know!

Expensive gifts do not mean better gifts.. YDI for thinking that way..

To the people saying "it's the thought that counts" or "just because its a $5 t-shirt doesn't mean it's worth less than a $400 necklace" the thought/ worth of the gift only counts if she bought the gift because she thought HE would like it. I think the point here is that he probably isn't a fan of Elton John, or the color pink... therefore making the present not that great of a gift. Should he be glad he got anything? Sure! Could he be saying FML because after 2 years his girlfriend doesn't know how to buy him gifts that he would actually appreciate/enjoy. Yes.