By FoodNeeded - 25/08/2016 02:24 - Russian Federation - Moscow

Today, for breakfast, I made a butter sandwich. I'm that broke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 552
You deserved it 2 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pom3440 22

Ah yes, I like having that too. Gives me my daily dose of calories.


Since you didn't specify weither or not you had a toaster, I'm just going to assume your toaster charges you everytime you want to deposit bread for crispyness.

Ok, this has gone on far enough! Europe and America need to lift the sanctions put against Russia right now! People are starving!

Been there. My go-to broke sammich was iceberg lettuce and ketchup on one slice of bread, folded over. Not too much ketchup, though - that stuff's expensive.

Other condiments also work well. I've also been there and had mustard or ketchup sandwiches.

My son eats mustard sandwiches regularly.

I used to work for friends and the husband used to eat bread sandwiches - 3 slices of bread stacked together

Over here (Africa ) when we're broke we simply don't have breakfast