By longsock123 - 30/04/2013 15:09 - United States - Milpitas

Today, for a laugh, I put vanilla yogurt into a mayonnaise jar and went to the mall to eat it with a spoon. Too bad that someone called mall security on me for disturbing the peace. They shoved me into a back room and grilled me about what was in the jar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 778
You deserved it 19 757

longsock123 tells us more.

I mean, you're commenting on FML, I'm eating mayonnaise in a mall... the amount of "life" between the two of us is not very high.

Top comments

alliewillie 22

Good grief, can't even eat "mayonnaise" in public without someone being all up in your shit.

Mayonnaise first, then grilling? You're turning into a hamburger!


perdix 29

When I go to a doctor's office, I fill a sample cup with apple juice and sip it in the waiting room. For whatever reason, they put me to the front of the line and let me see the doctor right away.

From your story it sounds like you went to the mall specifically to eat out of that mayo jar. If that's the case, YDI. That's just stupid and you were asking for negative attention in the first place. Guess you got what you asked for.

Inkedldd 8

How is eating out of a mayo jar disturbing the peace?

What the hell is wrong with people?? I mean, granted, OP must've been SUPER bored to want to do this, but unless they were moaning and making crazy noises, why would someone call security???

YDI for thinking that was funny, personally I wouldn't give a shit if you were eating a jar of mayo. But then I know someone with pica so eating weird things isn't amazing. Plus you shouldn't have let yourself be dragged around by security guards/mall cops.

perdix 29

I can see how eating the "mayo" with a spoon can cause a disturbance. If you sucked it up with a thick, flesh-colored straw, you'd cause a riot!

"You're not the only one Refusing to go down You're not the only one So get up Let's start a riot, a riot Let's start a riot"

perdix 29

I was thinking Kaiser Chiefs "I Predict A Riot," but yours is better. What's it like having an encyclopedic knowledge of music?

If you could get into my mind, you'd never want to leave! :P These thoughts were fresh since I just saw Three Days Grace in concert!(:

perdix 29

#80, so, your mind is "Hotel California?" :D

What's that raising up through the air? We will just call it's Colitas. ;)

Three days grace is awesome :) also great choice of a song for this fml :D and OP that really sucks some people have no sense of humor anymore i honestly dont see how you were disturbing the peace unless you were getting in peoples faces about it or constantly trying to get their attention in a really annoying way other than that you didnt deserve that

MrSarcasmic 10

You should've just politely explained you forgot your helmet at home today.

Go back and read the FML. Nobody's going to hold your hand here. Once you fully comprehend it, feel free to post a (somewhat) useful comment.