By longsock123 - 30/04/2013 15:09 - United States - Milpitas

Today, for a laugh, I put vanilla yogurt into a mayonnaise jar and went to the mall to eat it with a spoon. Too bad that someone called mall security on me for disturbing the peace. They shoved me into a back room and grilled me about what was in the jar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 778
You deserved it 19 757

longsock123 tells us more.

I mean, you're commenting on FML, I'm eating mayonnaise in a mall... the amount of "life" between the two of us is not very high.

Top comments

alliewillie 22

Good grief, can't even eat "mayonnaise" in public without someone being all up in your shit.

Mayonnaise first, then grilling? You're turning into a hamburger!


You can sue. They don't have authority to touch you unless you were actually doing a crime.

Is it just me that really doesn't 'get' this? Pretty sure if I saw someone doing that I would just be thinking '******* weirdo' to myself and leave them alone.....

There's a time and place for everything

Last time I checked doing something that disturbs the peace is bad not harmless.

To clear some things up, I wasn't actually arrested; yes, the security personnel were abrasive, but in no way was I arrested. Secondly, I was being rather obnoxious about my eating the yogurt. After all, I was kind of hoping for some weird looks, but not being thrown into the back room for an hour.

Why on Earth would someone call security on you for eating?

I've done that before. Me and a friend did it. We also took Windex bottles and put cool aid in them. Best afternoon ever.