By Sunny - 18/09/2013 22:59 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, every time I write the word "analyst," I can't help but giggle because it begins with "anal." I'm 24, and studying to be a conflict analyst. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 518
You deserved it 34 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Just don't become an assassin and notice it says ass twice ;)

So how would you react if you were an ASSistant ANALyst?

Any excuse to laugh in todays world is a worthwhile one.

kwesh34 0

Op you must like 'anal' hehehe.

I would rather guess she either has never had it or very rarely. Else she probably would be used to the word.

Probably not had it. Somebody should volunteer ASSistance.

Any joke can become boring once told 100 times. Eventually this could happen and you'll be in the clear OP. At least untill it becomes funny again.

As long as you act professionally there's nothing wrong with finding some humour in what you do.

How about sitting down and saying "ANALysis" with the right tone a few hundred times? I swear even the funniest joke gets old after enough repeats.

jw90 18

Did you giggle when you were typing this?

" and studying to be a conflict analyst"...giggle

Watch the movie "analyze This," as therapy. Billy Crystal might be able to help you.