By Anonymous - 03/06/2014 08:56 - United Kingdom - Dunmow

Today, despite years of paranoid checking, I forgot to check my towel for spiders after my shower. Two crawled onto me, and I'm pretty sure there's one somewhere in my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 163
You deserved it 5 521

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fffianist 9

You have a spider crawling in your hair right now? You should make a text post about it.


shave your head leave the house and go to the moon

purpleamber1 11

I would like to know what made you all of a sudden forget the routine???? lol.

WinterBlue42 22

The OP was probably trying to get over the paranoia. Sucks that the plan has clearly backfired though. I suspect the OP had to burn their house down, and shave their head. . So, FYL

Yeah, there's a spider in your hair, and the first thing that comes to mind is go on FML, not to try to get it out somehow?!?


nina0917 26