By almost broke - 21/02/2016 13:24 - Czech Republic - Brno

Today, because my fiancé is criminally incompetent at budgeting, I'm now having to pay the first installment for my own wedding ring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 564
You deserved it 4 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

expertsmilee 26

I understand how love is a complicated thing, but something in your brain has GOT to be saying this is a bad start and is probably a sign of how things are going to be going forward.


I find the idea of having to.waste good money on some expensive ass ring to propose to someone is beyond stupid. why would I need to prove ur love with something that costs over a grand. that makes no sense at all. im glad my gf doesnt care for that shit cuz thered be no way id buy one. id rather get us matching tattoos or something like that. something much more meaningful than some expensive trinket

Not a good start to marriage. That's the kind of thing that's a deal-breaker.

Sorry to hear that OP, but my advice is to take over all finances now while you can. My dad did not do this though my mother is beyond awful with money and we spent years in debt. Even if you hope they'll get better at budgeting, still continue controlling it. Better to be debt free with money under control instead of digging a hole deeper. Good luck.

graphicstyle7 17

That's a bad, bad, bad, bad sign. Take it from one who knows. I would postpone the wedding, then I'd cancel it.

Wait... What?? You actually said yes to them?

drchinky888 9

I've been married for almost 3 years, engaged 5 years ago, and we still owe absolutely everything on both rings, because my income is all we've got, and I can only make the minimum payment every few months. Same boat...

Elisabetha Aarron 18

This will sounds harsh but do you honestly want to be with someone like this? For the rest of your relationship the financial problems will only get worse. Are they really worth all that financial stress and mess