By prego - 24/08/2010 16:01 - Canada

Today, because I am pregnant with a weak bladder, I woke up with morning sickness and had to decide very quickly whether I wanted to vomit or pee in the toilet. I now have to clean the chunks off the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 526
You deserved it 5 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments


skyeyez9 24

At least you didn't have to make a split second decision whether to shit your pants or pukein the toilet.

boatkicker 4

For future reference, pee is easier to clean up than vomit is.

you should have peed in the shower and barged in the toilet duh

heyyyyyyyyyyyy 0

I would of stepped in the shower or the bathtub..

Oh yeah. I've been there. Trust me, it's easier to toss your clothes in the wash than clean up puke. A nice, absorbant-washable bath mat helps as well. Take heart, though-it's so worth it!

jennniferlea 4

Ummm wow. Ever hear of sitting on the toilet with the bathroom trash bin in front of you just in case you need both? DUH!!!! YDI for being dumb and having to clean up puke cause ur dumb!

That's some pretty messed up pee you've got there then, you should have puked! Pee with chunks. EWW!!!

sallen0046 4

Keep your bathroom trash can near the toilet. Surely you've had the flu or simply eaten something bad before. You should already have learned this.