By prego - 24/08/2010 16:01 - Canada

Today, because I am pregnant with a weak bladder, I woke up with morning sickness and had to decide very quickly whether I wanted to vomit or pee in the toilet. I now have to clean the chunks off the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 526
You deserved it 5 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments


wboarder09 0

Its not too hard to lean over to the tub from the toilet

joa76 3

That depends on the layout of that particular bathroom. In some rooms they are several feet away, so good luck leaning that far.

I wuldve peed in the tub and leaned over to vomit

I have been there before, I decided to pee on the toilet n puck in the trash.

aww :( but for the next time jus get a waste basket while peeing

next time try to grab a garbage can or if worse comes to worse tge tub. it can all wash down

LittleMissRaven 0

Why didn't you grab the nearest trash can and vomit in there?

candy4567 3

that's what a bucket or garbage can is for

HunterAlpha1 8

this is why you keep a plastic waste basket next to the toilet

Oh no, that really does suck! It's one of the reasons I'm dreading having kids--I already have to pee every 5 minutes. Suggestion for next time: either get a trash can with a liner and keep it in the bathroom, or (if your shower/tub is next to the toilet), sit in the shower/tub while throwing up in the toilet. You can rinse out the tub afterwards. (You could try to puke in the shower/tub, but as I know from post-party experience, that doesn't work out so well...) And I say you should make your husband/boyfriend clean up the puke, if he's around! He got you into this mess! ;-P Congrats on the pregnancy. Thankfully, morning sickness only lasts for one trimester for most people.

op you could have saved the trouble by peeing in the toilet and using a garbage can for vomiting