By Bes - 14/06/2009 15:54 - Canada

Today, at school, I was trying to pee in the stall, but I couldn't. I repeatedly pushed my bladder. Unfortunately, I didn't realize a number of things. My stall was open, I made noises from frustration, and I looked like I was jacking off. When I gave up, somebody clapped and yelled, "FINALLY!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 013
You deserved it 51 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... why would you not close the stall?

kellster 2

Don't push, that never helps. You sound like a guy. Why were you in the stall?? And why were you making noises in a public restroom? Why was your door open? So many questions. So much YDI. Wtf with your bladder, though. Maybe you have a blockage in there.


Fireball01 0

people like you piss me off they have urnals for a reason you know.

LuvPink 0
Purane2forever 0

R U PEOPLE SERIOUS. How are yall comfused on the gender here. OBV. its a boy... since when can girls jack off?? you dumb idiots

who the **** has school on sunday... my middle school ended last thursday

Is there a bit in between submitting your FML and their posting it? Maybe that is why is showed up on sunday.... Plus, our last day was two days ago on friday, june 12th. Different districts, countries, states and such end at different times.... Maybe it was a different type of school? Some college classes are on the weekends, and we (high school, our Academies) have skinny courses that are in the afternoons on Saturdays for extra credit and such. Ummmmmm # 108, masturbation is a gender-neutral activity. Anyone can do it. :)

I always go to the stall because i dont want to make the other guys jealous of my massive wang. Obviously he went to the stall and left the door open coz he was expecting a quick one, instead it took longer than he expected.

mylifeisfuckeddd 0

#109 it takes a while for the fmls to get monitored and it may not have happened the day it said but u have to start it with "today" any way: 1) close the door 2) go to a doctor 3) transfer schools done

You need to learn what doors are for. Epic fail, YDI.

Explain to me y u were pissing in a stall with the door open and making sounds? YDI