By noexceptions - 11/11/2009 05:16 - United States

Today, at school, I got stuck in the elevator and was about to panic before I remembered I had my phone. I called my mother and she called the school to tell them that I was stuck. They got me out in a few minutes and then confiscated my phone and gave me two detentions for using it in school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 557
You deserved it 3 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have the schools head on a platter for unreasonable treatment. This was an emergency situation in which you had no other choice. You were not disrupting a class or using it for conversation. Maybe you could have pushed the emergency call button in the elevator, but that's no excuse for the school's actions.

Horde 8

Doesn't elevators come with emergency ring and intercom?


shirvon100 0

dont you think stealing a car is a little more extreme then using a cell phone in an emergency at school, and what if there was a masked gunmen at that school would she have gotten in trouble then, no, because its an emergency.

this is stupid. someone said it's like stealing a car to take your family to the hospital. no, it's like using your phone in an elevator so you don't have to stay in there for you KNOW the school officials would have asked, "why didn't you just use your phone?"

I wouldn't give them my phone and I would't go to the detentions I would say go suck my bum cheek and walk off

scenellamas 0

this is fake. schools can't do that. that happened to a girl at my school and she actually got an award. I go to the strictest school in my state and it's private and all girls school. theres no way that's true.

My school and many didn't un-ban phones after Columbine. In fact, many still ban them. The truth is, they can take your phone, but it's illegal for them to not return it at the end of the day. Many school boards think their rules are above state and federal laws, but unless it's a dangerous object, they HAVE to return it. If they don't return it, have a lawyer contact them and read them the law.

Thank you public school system! Thank you once again for screwing people over and making stupid laws that make absolutely NO SENSE! I'm just glad to not have to go to school against my will anymore.