By voltumna - 29/04/2009 12:38 - United States

Today, at 4 AM, I locked myself out of my apartment. After calling friends in vain, I decided to just sit on the doorstep and wait for someone to come in. I sat for 10 minutes before a homeless man insisted threateningly that I move. I was kicked off my own front doorstep by a homeless man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 688
You deserved it 7 473

voltumna tells us more.

As the OP, a few extra points: I'm female, he was about a foot taller than me, I'd come home from an 8 hour shift, and I called the cops once I'd moved down the street to a safe distance. If there had been people around, I'd have stood up to him, but I didn't want to add mugging to an already shitty day. But, at #29, I'll totally try that next time!

Top comments

You should have triple roundhouse kicked him. It works on most homeless guys, basically what you do is take 5 steps back so you're about 2 metres away from them. Then you press right, right, up, circle, triangle, L1, circle, L2. Good luck!

derailed 1

YDI if you actually listened to him


youswallow 2

Yall just don't know bout Hobo Joe. That fool don't mess around when it comes to doorsteps.

rixbury 0

dude, you shouldn't have been such a wuss. Tell him to get lost.

Should have called the police and had him arrested. It would give you something to do, kinda like watching Cops, but in real life. (I normally do not advocate harassing the homeless, but when they become threatening instead of merely annoying, it is ok to call the police. That's what they're there for.)

Homeless people have nothing to lose. Just be careful dealing with them.

some1hones 0

maybe he was just a homeless cop or maybe the real Hancock...anyway fuc* him in both cases

You should have triple roundhouse kicked him. It works on most homeless guys, basically what you do is take 5 steps back so you're about 2 metres away from them. Then you press right, right, up, circle, triangle, L1, circle, L2. Good luck!

Be careful fighting bums. You might catch something. A lot of those guys (especially in a area where heroin is popular) have some nasty diseases.

Ugh, that sucks :/ Should've told him to stop trespassing your property or you'd call the police