By nerdsgetmehot - 07/04/2011 16:55 - United States

Today, at 21 years old, I am still so flat chested that I can't even fit into training bras meant for 12 year olds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 828
You deserved it 5 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Godsuncle, just because she's turned on by nerds she can't be hot? Look up her profile, you ass wrinkle. She's quite cute.


BitchingNuzeh 0

So? I like my boobs perky and small. I don't get why big boobs are so amazing.

training bras are meant for people with no boobs whatsoever. they help girls to get used to wearing a bra... there is no way a training bra wouldn't fit you even if you have a flat chest

spadesghost 1
raven02 0

agree with 4 do u have an ass though makes up for the boob thing

PDeffinP 0

Genetics are a bitch. No need to feel bad about it though :] You don't need big boobs to look good or be a confident woman.

I know how you feel. I am also 21 and am the same way until recently. I am currently 7 1/2 months pregnant and have gone up to a small B. But until recently I would have worn training bras if I wasn't to big for them, as in they're to tight to fit around me. I have very broad shoulders. The cup size fits but they don't make training bras or "junior" bras in a 36 or 38. lol

thatlovelygirl12 0

Lol oops! Well if u look a little up you'll see I was s part of the chain :)