By crappy_day - 09/01/2010 02:09 - United States

Today, as I went to the bathroom in a port-a-potty at a park, I forgot to lock the door. A little girl opens the door and then slams it right away. As she walked away I heard her say "no, there's a man in there". I'm a woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 606
You deserved it 5 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments


so? people call me a girl all the time, get over it

YDI for forgetting to lock the door. But also, you should consider the fact that the girl was very young. Young kids have harder time to tell if someone is a man or woman from a one second glance.

mabey its the fact you take grown man *****.

jakeidk 0

well there isn't much I can say...

Trooth 13

lol all I can say is makeover....

jennLove122 0

trust me. its sp true that kids have a hard time differenciating genders. when I was like four, i thought my baby sitter was a man. her name was kelly, i knew that lol. and i thought that for a LONG time.

elizabethterry 0

That's why I'm afraid of little kids. Little kids never lie.

wriptidez 0

this means nothing kids say stupid things they dont mean ... she was just nervous... im sure u dont look like a guy chill out