By DonMare - 22/04/2009 07:48 - Australia

Today, as I caught the train home, a woman got on and sat on the only available seat next to me. We got talking and as the train approached the next station, she said that this was her stop and she had to go. She exited the train and I turn to see her enter the compartment behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 628
You deserved it 7 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahaha, I would switch compartments and go sit with her. ''Hey, I wasnt done my story...anywaysssssss''

On the bright side, she didn't say it straight to your face that you were boring. Plus she took the effort to attempt to get away from you subtly so your feelings don't get hurt.


Perhaps she simply didn't want to talk. Did she have a book in her hand? My time on the train is for reading or napping. I'd move too.

YDI, it's creepy when guys start to talk to you on the train... And if you're NOT creepy, well I still understand her, for she surely had better things to do than listening to you... sorry...

Maybe she realize she got off at the wrong stop and got back on the train.

SucksToBeYa 0

I always come up with excuses if I don't want to talk to people, don't feel bad haha.

maybe she took off on the wrong stop and then realized it. or its pretty much ur smell

there seems to be like 10 per day of "boo hoo, some one I thought liked me actually didn't" thats not a **** my life. thats a "I'm having some trouble getting any"

icedrake523 2

Use deodorant next time. Or less cologne.

I wouldn't worry about it, it might have not been you. Moving seats in the middle of the train ride is going a bit overboard, but most people prefer empty seats for privacy and comfort. The only way you would've deserved it is if you were being annoying or creepy