By Jobless in Seattle - 05/05/2015 02:08 - United States - Katy

Today, after waking up in a panic because I was running late for work again, I realized I was fired for that exact reason the day before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 592
You deserved it 30 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you just proved you weren't fired unfairly.

no one to blame but yourself, you totally deserve it op


Oh_bother44 11

I'd suggest getting a roommate that's a light sleeper- my boyfriend often sleeps through his alarm except the nights that I stay over because I'm a ligt sleeper and refuse to lay there listening to his alarm till he hears it 5 mins later :P I will nudge him and that usually wakes him up.

davek 36

Get an alarm clock. If you already have one, get another one and put it on the other side of the room so you can't snooze it from your bed.

sorry about your job OP .. you need to fix this for your next job

leogachi 15

Maybe you should try going to bed earlier so that you'll wake up earlier. There's no excuse for waking up late for work all the time. No sympathy, you deserve it.

Depressed or need help developing a good sleep pattern? Same time to bed each night no matter what, same time up no matter what & get up if you're in bed without sleeping for more than 20 mins. Takes a while but it works.

Emily282828 2

?? that's freaking hilarious. But seriously, I'm sorry buddy, I been there!