By Poopie - 29/01/2011 06:06 - Canada

Today, after suffering from constipation for three days, I finally took a dump. Just as things reached the point of no return, my land line and doorbell all rang. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 215
You deserved it 3 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

" the point of no return" ? that sounds like an epic shit you got there

TahoeFMler 22

Um duh, don't answer them and do your business!


stingray626 0

20 thats wat im saying lol lucky lil crybabies haha

hahachun 4

I like to tap you. you have nice eyes

um so should just be happy you got it out they can wait.

perdix 29

I'm sure one of the big turds you pushed out was your grammar. When you have a list of two things (land line and doorbell), you should use "both." "All" is for lists of three or more things. You should eat more fiber to keep your stool looser, ya looser! ;)

No... it's eat more fiber AFTER you wipe your ass!

WHAT rhymed? after reading your comment I scrolled up and I see absolutely NOTHING that rhymed... maybe I'm just missing it?

erm never mind... I see the rhyme now... "I agree with number three"... My bad! Now I'm all sad!