By SnowyConcussion - 23/12/2009 14:30 - United States

Today, after spending the past 4 days asking both my husband and my father-in-law to salt our sidewalk, I slipped on the ice. I hit my head on our concrete stairs. While holding ice on my head, my father-in-law pats my head and says "I'll go get some salt." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 912
You deserved it 9 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Salt it yourself. Would that be so difficult?

Why didn't you salt it for yourself? You think it's more work than constantly bitching about it for four days? YDI.


I imagine there was a reason you didn't don't yourself, like taking care of a baby, or being preggers. Or work all the time, an your husband and father-in-law don't do much around the house, and you asked them to do this one thin for you. Understandable.

Got hit by ice and are using ice to help you heal. Oh the irony

You should have done it yourself... Not that difficult to go buy salt and spread it.. Damn

Why didn't you get off your lazy ass and do it yourself?

franklydizzy 5

and you couldn't do it yourself because?

"A pound of prevention is worth an ounce of cure." -Someone who wasn't me

Salt it your goddamn self. You're more than capable.