By definatelynotamurderer - 03/03/2015 14:01 - United Kingdom

Today, after seven people at work approaching me and asking me if I was 'that lad from the paper', I picked one up to see what they were talking about. Turns out my doppelganger is a man who brutally murdered his older brother last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 503
You deserved it 2 248

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I always walk up to possible murderers and ask them about their newspaper appearance.

AviKerensky 17

Look at them through narrowed eyes and say, "Want to find out?"


To people saying you should pretend it was you, the problem is if you get vigilantes who could decide to take matters into their own hands and hurt OP

And this is how you find out you have an evil twin!

You have to be careful OP, being identical to a an offender would get you in trouble.

Hey are you the murderer I read about in the news? Yes, yes I am. Lol seriously what were they expecting ?

Well lucky for them you aren't a killer

Oh my gosh! I had something similar happen!! My name has a female version and a male version spelling, but they sound the same. To preface, I'm from a small relatively rural area. My aunt had the local news on but was in another room. She heard about some heinous crime, and heard *my* name. But missed the fact that this guy was a ...guy... and of a different ethnicity. So she flipped out and called my grandma. My grandma had missed the news, so SHE flipped out and called my dad. He called me. I had to Google around to figure out what on earth the kerfuffle was about, and to prove my innocence to my aunt and everyone else. LAWWWD!! No, I wasn't involved in some gang related shooting. BUT THANKS!

clickme 17

Wow I would have a little fun with that: 'Hey! That was a justified killing! The guy cut me off then took my parking spot at Walmart!' 'Hey! That bastard refused to serve me breakfast at McDonald's at 11:02!

shiffizzle 13

"No, not at all!" *pushes machete under desk*