By definatelynotamurderer - 03/03/2015 14:01 - United Kingdom

Today, after seven people at work approaching me and asking me if I was 'that lad from the paper', I picked one up to see what they were talking about. Turns out my doppelganger is a man who brutally murdered his older brother last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 503
You deserved it 2 248

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I always walk up to possible murderers and ask them about their newspaper appearance.

AviKerensky 17

Look at them through narrowed eyes and say, "Want to find out?"


joljenni 6

Ahaha! Aww that sucks. And now you're the narcissistic murderer who likes reading about himself in the newspaper. Classic serial killer move. ;)

just quickly change the subject and avoid straight answers

atleast u r famous ;) just kidding, don't stress too much, u haven't done anything wrong and I keep hearing there are atleast 7 in world that look like us in the world.. all u gotta do now is to find the remaining 6. that should keep u busy for life.. u r welcome! hahaha

Cause murderers wander free and have regular jobs?

Why would they have thought it was you. What did they think you got out on good behavior.

Should've taken the opportunity to **** with overly curious people:)

I fell like the fact that seven people used the word 'lad' in normal, everyday conversation is more interesting than the doppelgänger thing