By Anonymous - 24/01/2010 14:25 - United States

Today, after reading a sign at the airport, my 6-year-old son thought it would be funny to yell, "Daddy's got a bomb!" Airport security then tackled me to the ground. Oh, and I missed my flight and my mother's birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 519
You deserved it 3 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well hopefully your son learned a lesson. Can't really expect a 6 year old to know what he can and cannot say in a airport.


You didn't actually say whether or not you had a bomb in the first place. Maybe the kid was just trying to protect innocent people. Poor child. ¬.¬

maybe this fml has something to do with the suicidal fml. Today was bring your kid to work day, I am a suicide bomber. While at the airport my 6 year old blurted out that I had a bomb. I got put into jail. For my one phone call I called the suicide prevention hotline to maybe get my life back on track and be able to be at my moms next birthday, but no one answered

funkyfreshpanda 0

1st! nd dude that tottally sucks ass, ur life is ******!!! u should teach ur son a lesson :-/

Maybe your kid knew what would happen. Do you beat your child?

Towelie_31 0

the only way this could have been funnier is if you were wearing a turban.

That's probably why he got tackled, not just taken aside to be searched.

Poor you... that was kinda funny though. :P

Erindub 0

Thats funny! Sorry I laughed but heres yet another outstanding reason to not have kids myself. Thank god for birth control

you better have taught him what to say and not say now :P

It's times like these when you might want to consider putting him up for adoption.