By Anonymous - 13/08/2011 19:12 - United States

Today, after pulling an all-nighter, I fell asleep at the beach. My friends took the opportunity to bury me in the sand, place food all around me, and wait for a flock of hungry seagulls to attack me. To top it off, they taped it all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 819
You deserved it 6 325

Same thing different taste


physicist48 0

How deeply were you sleeping?

YDI for falling asleep on an all-nighter.

>AFTER pulling an all nighter >******* AFTER

At least buried in sand you didn't get sun, sea gull droppings are great for one's complexion, so I've heard.. Seriously, love your friends!!

boomsma 0

Q. Why does a seagull fly over the sea?

A: To poop on and steal food from the jersey guy in the sand?

A. Because if it flew over the bay it would be called a bagel!

ImmaB3AST 7

How do you end up falling into such a deep sleep that you get buried with sand? Anyways, next time they fall asleep I'd hire a gay hooker to come to his house naked when his parents are home.

bigAC 6

i did that once but voluntarily