By Anonymous - 23/11/2015 20:50 - United States - Winsted

Today, after locking my keys in the car and waiting 3 hours for my mom to bring me my spare, I reached into my bag only to find my keys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 001
You deserved it 17 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel like you may deserve this for not checking your bag throughly

Every person has had their fair share of brain fart moments.. It's alright OP! More like **** your mom's life..


I feel your pain, it's totally your fault, but I understand. Same thing happens to me every time I put something inside my inside coat pocket so I "won't lose it". But after methodically making sure I've lost it, I manage to find it.

accidents happen op! I know I've been there too, just luckily my significant other was with me in my car and has triple a lol

91hayek 31

Then the door wasn't locked. Don't worry we all get brainfarts and push the door the wrong way. Sometimes not for 3 hours though.

The door could have very well been locked despite the keys being in her purse.

it's alright OP. I've done the same thing... Ironically, I was on the way to my eye appointment.

Why did you not empty the contents of your bag out? I feel like almost everyone does if they really looking for something

There are people who love to lose things.

Bad day, OP ? ;) It's OK. Everyone does stuff like that now and then. At least you found your keys, so no biggy !

Ah bags. Can never find what you're looking for when you need it, but the "lost" item always appears when you don't.