By Clutz - 25/10/2009 00:41 - United States

Today, after I had finished vacuuming, I ripped the cord out of the outlet and it hit me in the face cutting both my top and bottom lip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 418
You deserved it 35 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're the kind of person who forced McDonalds to put WARNING: HOT on every cup of coffee.

xshyguyx 0

next time don't yank the cord, lesson learned


thenewbroly 0

Oh well im sorry that happened I hope you get better soon. And I guess that's one way to learn not to do that. And including doing that will make the vacuum not work so well believe me I had to find that out the hard way when one of the wires that I did that too like became very sensitive because I did the same thing you did and in the end I had to buy a new vacuum.

wish i was there... to see that thing about your top ;-)

That is just god saying you are terrible at sucking. Just trying to do the men in your life a favor.

You can damage the cord pulling it out that way. That why the plug has a convenient grip on it.

YDI - Don't yank the cord out like that. It might not only hit you in the face, but damage the cord inside.

WorkThatButt 2

Bitch why'd you yank it out you lazy ass? Couldn't you just do it the human way? YDI

*gasp* The electronics are attacking! Technology has turned against us! ... No wait, actually the OP is just an idiot.