By Elena - 07/07/2011 23:56 - United States

Today, after having worked two jobs for months to save up for a big vacation, I came home to find my hard-earned money replaced by my boyfriend's brand new motorcycle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 511
You deserved it 6 500

Same thing different taste


TalkinSmack 6

smash it up and run off with the insurance money

sweet2u22 9

Shit would hit the fan, and I'd be a single lady. :)

What a asshole. Sell it and dump him.

ConstructorTF2 0

sell the bike. problem solved

sell it, he didn't ask you to buy it so why would u have to ask him to sell it?

n8tivepride 1

Shoulda picked a better guy

619warrior281 5

now he has something to ride on when you tell him to go to hell.

what a douche. Well YOU picked him and YOU trusted him so. . .your fault?