By asparagus piss - 19/10/2012 17:05 - United States - Tifton

Today, after having loaned my girlfriend money after she claimed to be broke and unable to pay her rent and electricity bills, she went out, spent it all on a new purse and phone, and now refuses to pay me back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 772
You deserved it 6 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, she can keep all her stuff in her purse and text you whining until her battery dies while she's living on the street.


a_lenzmeier 11

Make her pay you in sexual favors? Idk op it sounds like you have a real winner on your hands.

kittycat2007 18

take the purse and phone n sell it on ebay for as much as you can. or find the reciept n take it back! As everyone else has said, either she pays up or dump her. Lying and stealing are not okay.

Inciter 33

You should take her purse and phone. What an irresponsible bitch. I hope she's your ex now.

TellMeWhatsDeath 14

What an irresponsible arsehole!

That happened to me a while back. I loaned a chick two grand and now she's dating someone else.

unknown_user5566 26

Two grand? Holy crap. That's a lot of money to loan out to someone you're not married to, without a notarized agreement.

Time for a new girlfriend... But get the phone and purse back first, of course :)

you loan your girlfriend money? none of it make any sense

perdix 29

I know!!! He should be losing interest.

45- A clever comment. What is with the thumbs down?