By Anonymous - 09/08/2009 14:33 - United States

Today, after going to the beach with my guyfriend, I thought I looked pretty good infront of him in a bikini. Later he whispered in my ear, "You have a lot of hairs sticking out of your bottom". FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 960
You deserved it 45 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least he whispered it and didnt say it out loud so other people could hear!!


at least he didnt say it out loud so other people could hear!!

prettykitty123 0

Ewwww aint no one gonna come over to your house if they can't find it!

tifney737 0

You thought having jungle ass hair would look good in a bikini? You know they call it a bikini wax for a reason.

jubee 0

ewwwww go jump in a pool filled with hair fetish people so that they consume you.