By Anonymous - 09/08/2009 14:33 - United States

Today, after going to the beach with my guyfriend, I thought I looked pretty good infront of him in a bikini. Later he whispered in my ear, "You have a lot of hairs sticking out of your bottom". FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 960
You deserved it 45 948

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least he whispered it and didnt say it out loud so other people could hear!!


looking at all these comments about not knowing how to shave... You guys know about nair, right? And veet? ...And prefessional waxing? :l

nevershoutnever1_fml 0

Americans have like a phobia of hair. Grow up. I bet more than half the guys who tell girls to wax dont clean themselves up. And trimming only makes it more uncomfortable because it's prickly.

annalovescheese 0

If it were only the Americans... It seems that almost everybody has a hairphobia nowadays. So sad, and it makes me angry. If you are a girl with armpit hair, you can't even just wear tops in summer, because everybody will look at you like you have a purple mustache. It should really be nice if people should grow up a little. Adult women have hair, so there's nothing wrong if a woman wants to keep that. Too bad society is against that. (for the record, I only have hair on my head, I have something against hair. But a friend of mine doesn't shave her (just a little trimming), because she finds herself more feminim with her hair, and doesn't want that childisch look. It's just sad that she gets so many negative comments. Although her boyfriend likes it)

mrstomkaulitz 0

ewwww shave ur pubes dude... that's just gross, YDI for not know how to groom yourself properly...

joeyrocks 0

if itcwas oricking out of ur bathing suit and he noticed u were prob wearing a light colored bathing suit cuz in black he wouldn't of noticed. if it was coming out the sides then u didnt take the proper time 2 shave it off. girl u should've looked in the mirror before u left.

ur guyfriends kind of a perve for one and two u should do something about that lil issue!!!! gross