By Go away - 10/11/2013 08:03 - United States - Humboldt

Today, after doing vigorous chores all day with my girlfriend, her mom came and paid us each $100. My girlfriend cried and threw a fit because she said they were her chores, so she deserves all the money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 530
You deserved it 4 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Paid $100 for chores? Holy crap, that's about $100 more than most people get for doing chores at all. She sounds extremely spoiled.

That's is a greedy girlfriend and you shouldn't be with someone who is selfish. Either talk to her or distance yourself from her. Oh, and don't give her your money.


Hybricide 8

Seriously? Chores are chores. Since when do people get paid for them??

That's selfish... Shouldent be that way find a Girl to treat you right man.

Is your Girlfriend 12? She needs to grow up.

I don't know the full story, the gf might have been in a really shitty mood for some reason and wasn't being herself. But if not, someone should try to explain to her why what she did was wrong. Some people just need a little extra help in life. But if she's stubborn too, well that sucks, I wouldn't wanna be dating that person.

Sathane 21

You're kidding, right? I don't give a single lonesome **** if someone is having a bad day. Direct your negativity where it's warranted. When I have a bad day I NEVER take it out on my family. Those who do are disgusting, weak minded, and petty.

She gets paid to contribute to the household. She sounds like a self entitled bitch. Her parents have spoiled her. Run, dude.

I imagine that even if you weren't there OP she still would've only got $100. No-ones going to give their daughter $200 for chores, she was just nice enough to give it to both of you instead of just her childish daughter as you both did the work. Ain't nobody got time for that OP, your girlfriends selfish and this shows what preference money takes in her eyes

She's lucky she gets paid $100 for chores. I got $10 a week when I did them.

peoplepainter 1

This is what you call a 'red flag'. Run.

The girlfriend is a spoil brat. They may have been "her chores" but she didn't do "her chores" did she? NO! You did them as well, so they were a collective "Your chores." If she can't understand that, have nothing more to do with her, because it is only going to get worse from here on out. Especially as her parents are freakin idiots for making her a spoiled little brat!

watch out while you ll divorce her