By Go away - 10/11/2013 08:03 - United States - Humboldt

Today, after doing vigorous chores all day with my girlfriend, her mom came and paid us each $100. My girlfriend cried and threw a fit because she said they were her chores, so she deserves all the money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 530
You deserved it 4 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Paid $100 for chores? Holy crap, that's about $100 more than most people get for doing chores at all. She sounds extremely spoiled.

That's is a greedy girlfriend and you shouldn't be with someone who is selfish. Either talk to her or distance yourself from her. Oh, and don't give her your money.


thejimler 9

Maybe the mother predicted this by giving a large payment and anticipating the daughter's hissy fit, in order to warn OP about her true nature and let him dump her.

She's lucky she even got paid to begin with. My brothers and I didn't get paid for chores at all. What a brat.

I gotta assume you two are kiddos. One hundred dollars for a day of chores is more than most Americans make for a day of actual labor in the workforce. Then you take out insurance, taxes etc it's even less. Her mom seeks quite generous but maybe her kindness isn't helping her daughter much in the long run. With all that said, 100 bones for some chores?! Sign me up!

Give her the money, and walk away and never talk to her again.

this bothers me to no end. if you are old enough to have a boyfriend/girlfriend, you are old enough to do chores without needing to get paid, ESPECIALLY that much. that mom needs to start enforcing some rules, which will hopefully cause you to grow up a bit.

He needs to learn that shared chores are shared money maybe her mom should pay you next time when she is not around....