By orely44 - 08/03/2013 14:13 - France - Rez

Today, after about fifteen minutes of my cat bullying me into letting him get onto my lap, I finally caved. He clambered on, turned around, farted in my direction and got off as fast as he got on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 421
You deserved it 75

Top comments

Cats can often be assholes, and assholes often fart. The equation was right in front of you, just under the surface. You could've prevented this.

perdix 29

I can visualize the cat saying, "I fart in your general direction" in an outrageous French accent. They oughta make a movie like that!


the face on the last picture is priceless! amazing work!

You don't understand us cats. We harbor thoughts you may never think of. Ever.

Errytime there's a cat involved, there's a dog vs. cat war. All I know is, my parents-sort of-in-law's dog Shadow does this to me. So what now.

Safe to say my cat never done that to me, and I'm hoping it will never happen!

HayleyFaith15 14

Revenge from your cat, my cat's good at revenge too. Don't make them mad...