By Anonymous - 22/09/2012 23:49 - United States - Eudora

Today, after a week of not seeing each other, my boyfriend has a three day break from work. This would be great if he hadn't just told me he's having a Guild Wars 2 marathon. Now all I have to look forward to is slow wifi and anguished screams every time his character dies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 016
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How about you make yourself an account and play with him?

I feel your pain... mine is the same way.


I hate it when girls bitch about guys playing video games, if he was to go camping with buddies most girls would go with and share the experience with him.....what is it about society that has made it villainize gaming to the point where it's impossible to enjoy it together.....think of it this way, its not like he's asking op to start smoking crack....btw I am a hardcore gamer, and have a record of about 80. Hours straight playing games, and my girlfriend sat and we just talked and I explained the game, which she played with me after day 2, which she enjoyed because we were doing it was so worth having to go see mer family the next week. My point is......... Would all the lame bitches go f*** themselves please

"Guild Wars 2 marathon? Cool! I'm gonna go out with my friends, binge drink and dance with random men. And no... You get any when I come home drunk, if I come at all". That should do the trick... :P

Namiipants 0

It's understandable to feel left out an ignored especially because it seems like you're not into gaming. You just have to tell him how you feel about it, my bf and I game together but sometimes I may not want to so he takes little breaks for me. Just talk to him and sort it out.

insaneygolover 9
duravian 1

I know the feeling... From the guys perspective that is :P also look out, WoW has a new expansion coming out tomorrow...

Seriously? You are upset because it has been a week and he wants to play computer games? Overattached much?

Well as a Gamer play GW2 as well I'd tell you to join him. It's an easy game to learn and he will probably be really glad that you are playing with him.

I bought Guild Wars 2 for my boyfriend, thinking it was a dumb game...then, to humor him, I made a character...and got sucked into playing it. It's actually pretty cool :) and I am now the coolest girlfriend ever to him and his friends. And now, he doesn't have to ignore me when he plays, because I can join in or at least chill while he plays. Seriously, it's not that bad.

maybso 0

my ex use to say you play video games no sex you dont play sex :) works.....

What say you and I give him some pleasurable screams every time your toes curl? ;)