By cat-astrophic - 25/02/2015 15:44 - United Kingdom

Today, after 3 years of studying to be a veterinarian, I found out I may not be able to continue. It's not because I'm failing my classes, but because my body has developed an allergy to cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 090
You deserved it 2 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe change to being a large animal vet, then you can take care of horses and not worry about your allergies!! :)

You know you can get desensitised. It takes up to three years to finish the course and the first year has 21 weekly vaccine injections but it usually does the trick. Speak to your GP about referring you to an allergists. But in saying that depending on how bad your allergies are you may need to defer your studies for the first year so the allergen injections can start working their magic. Good luck. I hope everything works out for you.


you've got to be kitten me ! lol sorry op

Hating on cat puns in a cat-themed FML? You have CAT to be KITTEN me right meow.

I've heard there's a treatment you can do that has something to do with magnets that can possible cure your allergy. There's no guarantee but it's something you could try.

Magnets do a lot less medically than you might think. Though I'm not saying you're wrong, I think you should stress the words "no guarantee" more than you do.

How many more times can she make it clear it's just a potential possibility? I think that's pretty evident with the terms, "I've heard", "possible", "no guarantee", "could try". They've only got two sentences to work with, here, point was made.

I tried magnet therapy before and it was ridiculous. It felt like some crazy ritual and people were literally waving magnets over me for like an hour. It was the weirdest thing ever! Not saying it can't work for some people, but I imagine the percentage is pretty small.

Well a classmate of mine did and it helped her. I think it was something else than just holding magnets over her though but yeah it's just a shot in the dark if I didn't make that clear enough.

Whatever you do that should be on top of your checklist ;')

It's a zoo out there OP! - go to work there

Quiet_one 22

A cat allergy doesn't have to be a career ender! This is actually a pretty common problem. I'm a vet student with a mild cat allergy (I'm fine if I don't touch my face), and I've worked with small animal vets and technicians who are allergic to cats and are doing fine. I also know at least one person with a pretty severe cat allergy who used immunotherapy and is able to work with cats now without a problem- she just doesn't live with any or let them rub her face. As long as you're not having life-threatening reactions you still have reasonable options. Don't give it up just yet.

You can get allergy shots weekly. They work really nice.

One of the vets that works at the place I take my cats to is allergic to cats. He just wears a mask and washes his hands really well after he's done with them.

lilybadilly25 15

Ah!! As a fellow vet student, I can't even imagine how you feel!!!!! Honestly, developing an allergy to an animal is my absolute worst fear! I'm so sorry to hear that, OP!! Hopefully it's not a super terrible allergy and you can just take daily Benadryl or something!

you've cat to be kitten me right now. lol sorry about