By Marfo101 - 16/01/2015 15:41 - Ghana - Accra

Today, a pretty girl joined the line at the bus station. I let her skip the line and go before me so I could sit next to her. After she bought her ticket, I realized there were no more seats left on that bus. I was told to get off, and had to take the next bus, sitting next to a snoring old man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 349
You deserved it 13 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because she's pretty does not mean you should let her cut in line.

Plot twist: the next time you see a pretty girl again, she lets you go on first and the only seat open is next to the same snoring old man.


And then, she probably went home to her husband and said, "I was lucky to get that bus."

shiny_shipper 28

Well, you probably made her day at least.

Good plan, bad timing. Happens way more than it should

Why don't you just stand in the bus ?

At least it was a nice attitude from you! Spread kindness

It was respectful to let her cut in line; around here the dudes at the bus station always let girls skip, attractive or not, as a gesture of kindness. But for the love of God please don't sit next to her lol. That's so awkward. I get extremely uncomfortable for some reason sitting directly next to strangers on the bus, unless there aren't any other empty seats. Maybe this is just a regional thing, but people here will usually stand (including myself) if there isn't at least one empty seat between you and another person.

Don't be creepy, bro. There's nothing I hate more than thinking a guy is doing something out of kindness and later discovering that his motives were selfish. If you're going to be nice, don't do it for a potential romantic encounter. Do it to be nice.

fyl. That's why you should mind your own business and don't favor good-looking girls. Also, look at the comments: you rustled the feminazis' jimmies quite hard.