By shadyladyhh - 09/09/2014 21:00 - United States

Today, a middle-aged customer tried to pay for a $2 ice cream bar with a credit card. It was declined, so he made me swipe it again. Declined. "Quit touching the metal strip," he scowled. I held the outer edge of it and swiped. Declined. He then bitched me out as his mother paid for him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 484
You deserved it 3 299

shadyladyhh tells us more.

shadyladyhh 11

Then the mom bought him another one 15 minutes later. Sugar free ones cost a little more, so she was mad about that too.

Top comments

Lebeaugars95 20

F his life, his mom still has pay for him and he doesn't even have 2 dollars to his name

The best part of working with customers...


greetings, friend. check out the website not always right and you'll feel so much better.

Laugh and say in a baby voice: aww does your mommy have to pay for your stuff

You should send this to Amy pholer and ask her to put it on parks and rec

if it were to happen, Andy would be the son who needs his mom to buy it. and it would be hilarious.