By shadyladyhh - 09/09/2014 21:00 - United States

Today, a middle-aged customer tried to pay for a $2 ice cream bar with a credit card. It was declined, so he made me swipe it again. Declined. "Quit touching the metal strip," he scowled. I held the outer edge of it and swiped. Declined. He then bitched me out as his mother paid for him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 484
You deserved it 3 299

shadyladyhh tells us more.

shadyladyhh 11

Then the mom bought him another one 15 minutes later. Sugar free ones cost a little more, so she was mad about that too.

Top comments

Lebeaugars95 20

F his life, his mom still has pay for him and he doesn't even have 2 dollars to his name

The best part of working with customers...


Jason_Echeverria 6

FYL for being treated like that. He was probably embarassed and lashing out because of it but it's still not fair to you.

It immediately made me think of the Simpsons... Principal Skinner and his mom

I get the feeling he doesn't have a fundamental clue about finances. He could scrounge together a pile of coins for his ice cream.

I don't think he deserved a credit card if his mom had to pay for it. Plus, I hear it's not wise to use a credit card to purchase food or items under $10.00, and he was doing both at once.

Durantye 8

Seriously the people making assumptions are the real assholes here. Could easily have been visiting and the mother happened to be with him. I don't know many people that would actually request the card be ran again if they reached their limit.

You'd be surprised. I worked at a movie theater, and most of the people who had "declined" cards would pitch a fit as soon as I told them that the card was declined. They'd claim that there's money on it or that I was "holding it wrong," but it's almost always out of insufficient funds. They also claim that punching in the numbers manually would work. From time to time, though, I'd get a card that was horribly mangled and unfit to scan, but those usually do just fine by punching it in manually and without a "decline" message. In the end, it all comes down to the customer being embarrassed about their spending habits, especially when they're at a movie theater buying fifty bucks worth of candy and popcorn.

You've obviously never worked in retail. I worked at Walmart for two years and I HATED having to tell people their card was declined. "Oh but I'm sure I have the money on there!" And then there are some people who are so paranoid about their cards that they wouldn't even let me try to help by swiping it on my end of the register. Good thing is, after 3 tries, the register locks up and won't let them try again. Since I didn't work a main register, I was able to send people up front or to another counter in the store.