By sad guy - 26/04/2013 05:20 - United States

Today, a huge and angry man stormed into my work and threatened to kill me if I didn't stop sleeping with his wife. He then threatened to come back and kick my ass if I so much as texted his wife again. The problem is, I'm married, have never cheated and I work for my wife's father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 314
You deserved it 3 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People really like threatening others these days. Call the police if it becomes violent.

well **** a duck, that's awkward, I say track him down and explain he's got the wrong guy before it snowballs into a bigger issue


perdix 29

I'm wondering what that last fact had to do with anything. Maybe the father-in-law "borrows" the OP's phone to sext the big guy's wife?

I was wondering about that too. 38 makes sense, but if that's the case the fml wasn't written very well.

challan 19

There is something about a sexy older man that some women can't resist. I agree... the husband was yelling at the wrong guy, it was Daddy!! Father in law has got it going on.

You should probably tell your co-workers lol it's probably one of then

Ooooooh that sounds like a bad situation>.

If I were you I'd tell your wife about this ASAP before the big, angry guy does. Your life could be very miserable very quickly if she believed that.

SynysterNero 20

Calmly explain it to him but if he continues to threaten you call law enforcement but if he swings at you then defend yourself and fight back

RedPillSucks 31

Ricky, you got some 'splainin to do!!!

should've slapped him and yelled: you stop sleeping with MY wife.

Since he had the wrong guy that means the other guy is still messing with his wife which could mean more problems for you later on

I read your post and felt like being at work! Hope your in-law knows you well.