By Asshole hornet - 28/10/2013 20:18 - United States - Marblehead

Today, a hornet thought it would be fun to fly into a candle that I had lit. As the hornet burned to death, it flung its charred body at my face, which is more painful than it sounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 372
You deserved it 3 483

Same thing different taste


not to be mean OP but that sounds funny and painful. funny in a Fuuuuuu way and painful bcus of the obvious. yeah fyl lol

not to be mean OP but that sounds funny and painful. funny in a Fuuuuuu way and painful bcus of the obvious.

Though not as much pain as the hornet's.

Karma bitch! Ydi because you lit a candle when you knew you had a hornet in your house

outside candles, you know the ones that are not in the house, also how does lighting a candle = bad karma?

Sweetpea22 14

So, people aren't allowed to light candles any more?

NatalieOntheTram 11

Wild hornet used destiny bond!

Well, on the bright side, at least he didn't decide to sting you on top of it all.

This is the first time I've ever actually laughed out loud at an FML. XD

Cellusr20 5

why wouldn't you move when it started to burn?