By Anonymous - 01/09/2012 23:15 - Canada - North Vancouver

Today, a dog attacked me. Its owner, instead of apologizing and helping me, said it was my own fault for making it think I was an attacker by running past them. We were on a jogging track. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 736
You deserved it 1 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MolesterStallone 13

I would have punched him in the face...

You need to report him and the dog. Imagine if it had been a child that this dog had attacked! It will attack again. Sounds like it has before judging by the owners response!


melibear89 7

Go to the hospital OP and report the dog. It will be seized and if there are multiple reports of attack with the dog it will be put down. I was attacked when I was 6 and the dog that attacked me had multiple animal attacks against it and when it finally attacked me it was seized and put down by animal control.

A jogging track is not a dog park. That dog owner is a dumbass. The owner should know dogs are hard-wired to chase anything that runs. When I'd go jogging I would slow down to a walk if I see a dog that is not on a leash. However, if a dog (or it's owner) attacks you; you are allowed to defend yourself. A throat-punch would do wonders as an attitude adjustment.

FallingBliss 4
2RaRa25 6

yep...would've sued that guy...

That sucks op I hope you ripped their throat out.

Report the bloody thing! And sue the owner, that will shut them up!

I get so frustrated with some dog owners!!! Clearly that dog should be wearing a muzzle while out for walks. Fortunately you don't have to pay for medical care if required. I would definitely contact the police. This type of thing happens way too often...

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