By are these people even HUMAN? - 01/08/2013 15:18 - United States - Bristol

Today, a customer pulled a knife on me after I informed him that we'd run out of avocados to put on his pizza. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 058
You deserved it 3 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UnluckyGenius 21

He was just offering to cut up some fresh pineapple for his pizza.

This FML needs more closure... What happened after he pulled out the knife OP?


Guy was obviously a psycho if he wanted avocado on his pizza in the first place.

cookie1207 19

You should always be prepared

icepick23 12

He should be placed in prison. He was clearly wrong.

He's like bitch I'll cut my own avocados.

dlowry004 14

That's why when you work in produce, you should always have a box cutter and/trim knife on you at all times like I do. I'd be sketched out if that ever happen to me

He likes his damn avacodos... Nom nom nom

You gotta respect his need for avacados man...